6th Grade Science Videos
The 6th grade Physical Science class recently made videos for a final chapter project. The videos explain the three states of matter, what happens when heat is added or taken away, and what the particles do in each change of matter. The . . .
YouTube Video
The 6th grade Physical Science class has created a video on matter. It is about matter and can be found on YouTube at the following address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNVRScig1Kc&feature=plcp
About Mr. Schlegel
Name: Zac Schlegel E-mail Address: zschlegel@longhornpower.org Colleges Attended: Hesston College for 2 years and Hastings College for 2 years Degree Earned: BA Elementary Education Classes/Grades Teaching: 5th grade and 6th . . .
About Mr. Schelgel
Name: Zac Schlegel E-mail Address: zshlegel@esu6.org Colleges Attended: Hesston College- 2 years. Hastings College-2 years. Degree Earned: Elementary Education K-8 BA . . .
Mr. Schlegel's Bio
My name is Zachary Schlegel and I am the 5 th grade teacher and assistant high school girls’ basketball coach. This is my 14 th year in the Shickley Public School district, but just my first year teaching. I grew up in the . . .