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Shickley Public School

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World Book Online


Access World Book Online using the following link: World Book Online

Contact Miss Hansel for the username and password.


Shickley now subscribes to World Book OnlineWorld Book Online’s suite of digital publications offers unique content and features for students of every age, ability, and interest. Using the same expert information found in The World Book Encyclopedia, these easy-to-navigate websites feature:

·      A colorful, approachable look and feel, designed to foster exciting learning at every level 

·      Easy access on smartphones and tablets

·      Different databases for multiple and diverse research needs

·      Illustrations, maps, audio files, videos, e-books, primary source documents, and more

·      Lexile® measures on World Book's most popular articles.

·      Various lesson plans and tips for teachers on how to conduct activities and ensure your students can get the most out of each learning experience.


Our World Book subscription allows us to give you access to this valuable reference source at your home computers 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Home access is included in Shickley’s subscription and is provided at no cost to you. 

Shickley now provides the following award winning World Book Online products: 

·      World Book Advanced - Advanced is a powerful reference tool designed to meet the research needs of high school students. It is chock-full of facts and features to help students conduct research projects. The site features the entire World Book Encyclopedia, an atlas, a dictionary, and local and country research guides. Advanced integrates all primary and secondary source databases and e-books in a single search.

·      Découverte - L'Encyclopédie Découverte offers World Book’s exceptional Kidscontent in French through two beautiful interfaces: one designed for younger native French speakers and the other for older students and adults learning French as a foreign language.

·      World Book Discover - Discover offers engaging reference resources for students reading below grade level because of language or learning difficulties, including reluctant readers, ELL, ESL, and adult literacy students. Discoverincludes reference articles, text-to-speech capabilities, activities, research and translation tools, multimedia, and interactive videos to engage students of varying abilities with curriculum-related topics and subjects.

·      Dramatic Learning - Dramatic Learning improves readers’ fluency and test scores with dramatic readings in the classroom. This site expands proven approaches to building reading comprehension. By turning texts into plays, skits, and monologues and providing valuable tools for educators to apply these lessons effectively, Dramatic Learning will help students become more fluent readers, understand core concepts, and internalize content. 

·      Early World of Learning - The Early World of Learning was created for preschoolers and children in the early elementary grades. Developed with the help of experts on early childhood education, the site encompasses playful interactive learning environments including Trek’s Travels, Welcome to Reading,and Know It. Each environment is designed for easy integration into classroom and library programming.

·      Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos - This interactive site offers World Book’s exceptional Kids’ content in Spanish through a beautiful interface designed for grades K–4 as well as older students and adults learning Spanish as a foreign language.

·      Hispánica Saber - A comprehensive Spanish-language encyclopedia that includes over 100,000 articles; more than 9,000 images and maps; and nearly 1,000 videos, animations, sounds, and interactive media.

·      World Book Kids - Kids is the premier reference website developed especially for younger students. It features an intuitive user interface; thousands of easy-to-read articles packed with stunning illustrations, videos, interactive maps; and a wealth of engaging games and activities. Its simple navigation—with image thumbnails next to each entry to add a visual cue—enables students to find information easily.

·      World Book Student - Tailored for elementary and middle school students, Student is a comprehensive site that includes a collection of content, features, and tools specifically developed to make online knowledge accessible and easy to integrate into school assignments. The site features the entire World BookEncyclopedia with high-interest content written at an age-appropriate level to engage students in learning. Student is loaded with practical features to help students develop their research skills and enhance their projects. 


·      Early Peoples Digital Library - Early Peoples is designed to promote students’ understanding of other perspectives and cultures throughout history.

·      Living Green Digital Library Living Green is an online, interactive site that examines pollution’s causes and consequences and offers tips on green practices at home.

·      Inventions and Discoveries Digital Library - Inventions and Discoveriesexplores a fascinating collection of inventions and discoveries that have changed how we live today.