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10. Spanish Education



1.  Methods for Teaching

2.  Research

3.  Activities to Use for Teaching 

            Governmental Agencies 

            Spanish Links from Universitites

            Spanish Links from Organizations, Companies, etc.

            Spanish Links from Individuals

4.  Changes and Challenges to the Spanish Language in the U.S.


http://eleaston.com  E.L.Easton: Language Online--One of the best sites for educational helps for teaching and learning Countless quality links--from studying helps in general to teaching methods of any type of language and classroom management; it would take months to go through everything!)

http://globegate.utm.edu/spanish An EXCELLENT site with MANY GREAT links to all areas of teaching Spanish (general topic links, art and culture, exhibitions, history, music (Several sites have lyrics for a multitude of songs); also many sites as a search engine

www.caslt.org/research/sp.htm CASLT (from Canada) is a VERY GOOD SITE that has MANY links to exercises (especially verbs), Spanish listening and pronunciation activities, teaching Spanish through music and actual Spanish lyrics (has MANY), and reading actual stories and books (children through adult); also has games

www.clta.net/lessons Very good lesson plans that uses the web

www.teachspanish.com Has a very good e-mail book listed to read: How to Really Learn Spanish (on methods) Under "lessonideas" there are many lesson plans shared at elementary, middle and high school levels


http://www.insidehighered.com/users/simon-schwartzman and http://www.schwartzman.org.br/simon/edsocial.htm  and http://www.symposium-books.co.uk/books/bookdetails.asp?bid=15 The writings from this author help to explain some of the problems found in the educational systems of Latin America 

http://cvc.cervantes.es/obref/congresos/valladolid/ponencias/activo_del_espanol/1_la_industria_del_espanol/azevedo_m.htm This is only one of many articles that is found in this fantastic site pertaining to all areas of the Spanish language. This one deals with the taching of it in the U.S. and how it is changing. To find many more like it, go to http://cvc.cervantes.es/obref/congresos/valladolid and then click on "El activo de español;" of course, there are many different ways to go. All in Spanish. This is a very useful site.

www.cvc.cervantes.es/portada.htm Centro Virtual Cervantes (in Spanish) Search engine?

http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/cervantes/english/links/span_cerv_links.html This is a FANTASTIC site with many links (and explanations of the links) regarding not only the complete works of Cervantes, but Spanish in general.


Spanish Links from Governmental Agencies

www.eric.ed.gov   Educator's Reference Desk: over 2000 lesson plans; many topics. U.S. Dept. of Ed.'s Ask ERIC site

Spanish Links from Universities

http://retanet.unm.edu University of New Mexico--many excellent, detailed lesson plans; great ideas *  Latin America Data Base

http://eleaston.com/spanish.html Games to make / play from the University of Michigan

http://www.hevanet.com/dshivers/juegos/splinks.html Links for Teaching Spanish; songs for children

http://www.shef.ac.uk   University of Sheffield, England  Type "Spanish Links" in Directory

http://www.trinity.edu/mstroud/grammar Spanish Grammar activities from Trinity University, San Antonio

http://bubl.ac.uk/link/s/spanish.htm From Scotland (Several different resources—for instance The Wall Street Journal in Spanish)

http://www.uni.edu/becker Jim Becker form Iowa State University This site is in a class of its own--it has everything! However, it is not organized and it takes a lot of time to find specific things.  (It also has many links for other languages.)

Spanish Links from Organizations, Companies, etc.

http://eleaston.com/spanish.html E.L. Easton

http://www.smartphrase.com/Spanish/spanish.shtml Has many phrases and vocabulary in several languages

www.hevanet.com/dshivers/juegos Twenty Spanish teachers from the Pacific Northwest share some of their favorite spanish games and songs for children. ¡Muy divertido!

http://www.quia.com/dir/spanish Quia activities

http://www.lonweb.org Very good comprehensive language resource site

Spanish Links from Individuals

http://manila.esu6.org/sjb ESU #6 Technology Resources...used to be Sandy Blankenship's web site--has countless great resources

http://manila.esu6.org/laanders Dorchester Media Center...used to be Lareen Anderson's web site--has excellent resources

4.  Changes and Challenges to the Spanish Language in the U.S.

The http://cvc.cervantes.es/portada.htm site is an excellent site for research of all types. However, it is all in Spanish.

http://cvc.cervantes.es/obref/espanol_eeuu "La lengua española en Estados Unidos"

http://cvc.cervantes.es/foros/leer_asunto1.asp?vCodigo=8003 About Spanglish http://cvc.cervantes.es/obref/congresos/valladolid/ponencias/activo_del_espanol/1_la_industria_del_espanol/azevedo_m.htm This is only one of many articles that is found in this fantastic site pertaining to all areas of the Spanish language. This one deals with the taching of it in the U.S. and how it is changing. To find many more like it, go to http://cvc.cervantes.es/obref/congresos/valladolid and then click on "El activo de español;" of course, there are many different ways to go. All in Spanish. This is a very useful site.